What is “Codecademy”?

At Animo Jefferson Middle School, Codecademy is used everyday (except on Wednesdays and Friday) for technology students to be able to learn how to code.

Codecademy is a coding website for anybody to join and has millions of people using the program from all around the world.

Technology teacher Hayes Burrow said, “I found the website by researching various resources to teach coding to students. I also looked at ratings of these sites on Edmodo’s teacher network and it was best rated and highly recommended.” He also stated that he believes that it is helping his students in a variety of ways. He also said, “Not only does coding exercise your ability to problem solve and think critically, but it allows you to be an independent learner. Also more and more jobs are coming out of the technology sector and being computer literate is imperative to having a successful career in today’s society.”

Codecademy allows you to be able to learn HTML (used  for learning how to make websites), CSS (used for decorating websites) and Javascript (coding used to make games).

These are student on the computer. These students are in technology class and working on codecademy.
Students are working on Codecamey. All of the students had to complete a section on Codecademy and then turn it in on edmodo.