The spreading of measles in California

This electron micrograph image shows the measles virus

Taken from

This electron micrograph image shows the measles virus

When the Measles outbreak hit California last December many parents wondered if it would spread to schools like here at Animo Jefferson.

Well principle, Sue Jean Hong said, “There haven’t been any cases around Los Angeles, but parents should be worried if their child was around someone who has been diagnosed.”

Measles is a very contagious infection that causes a rash all over your body. The virus spreads when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or shares food or drinks,but the virus can also travel through the air according to a health website,

Science Teacher, Adam Davis said, “It’s a good thing that Measles can get prevented by a vaccine, but some parents don’t get their children vaccinated.”

Some parents don’t allow vaccines because it might be against their religious belief or some parents think vaccinations give their children autism according to

The disease was spread to at least half dozen other states. In California there have been 91 cases, but none around our community. A positive effect in our community here at Animo Jefferson is that all our students plus staff have all their vaccinations.

Measles' cases  in the U.S since the year began
A map taken form the CDC
Measles’ cases in the U.S since the year began