What are student’s thoughts on the recent school shootings?

There has been already eighteen school shootings this year and it has only been a couple of months. On Wednesday, February 14 ( Valentine’s Day) the shooting that occurred at  Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida has reported 17 dead and others injured. The number of deaths have beaten the amount of deaths there were in the Columbine shooting. What are student’s thoughts on the recent school shootings?

Cesar Vega, sixth grader from Animo Jefferson Charter Middle School, said “The thought of a school shooting on campus would be terrifying.” , He said that it slightly worried him because he said that it wouldn’t happen at his school. He believed that guns are not to blame, but the people who used them. “But if one were to happen, then I would be scared to death,” said Cesar.

Leonardo Leos, an eighth grader from AJCMS said, “ I think it’s a really bad thing that has been happening for a long time and because lots of people have died from them.”  His reaction to a shooting would be terrified and scared. He said the recent school shooting worried him because it could trigger other shootings.