Rick And Morty is the best animated sitcom ever

Rick and Morty coming out of Rick’s portal gun.
Rick and Morty is an American adult animated science fiction sitcom made in 2013, created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, currently with four seasons. One of our protagonists, Rick Sanchez, a crazy scientist who after being missing for 20 years arrives at his daughter’s house to move in with her and her family. But, when his daughter Beth Smith welcomes Rick home, her husband Jerry is concerned about Rick and believes he needs some help. This tips off that Rick and Jerry aren’t going to be the best for friends. With Rick using Jerry’s garage as his personal laboratory, that’s where his adventures, creations, and gadgets are created and circulated.
He also goes on adventures, fun and risky ones, with his grandchildren, Morty and Summer, which is something Jerry doesn’t enjoy either. Morty, who is the 14 year old grandson of Rick, frequently gets dragged into Rick’s adventures and misadventures. Morty is a good kid but he tends to get easily distressed and worries a lot. Morty’s usually considered Rick’s “sidekick” but of course he’s the second protagonist.
My overall opinion of this show is that it’s completely amazing and astonishing, especially since it won an Emmy award for its “The Vat Of Acid” episode. The show has a very unique type of humor and animation and the show itself opens you up to so many other things, like different universes, creatures, characters, and imaginations. The show itself is brilliant at bringing its viewers attention to the creativity that’s put into it. I remember the first episode I watched was “Get Schwifty,” When I saw the first ten minutes of the episode I thought the show was funny, in a dumb kind of of way, but the more I watched, I realized the show isn’t dumb at all. The point of the show is to bring humor in some sort of way that I’ve never seen before. The episode was absolutely amazing and the characters are great people to relate to. I would totally recommend this show to fans of other animated sitcoms like Family Guy, The Simpsons, etc. I would definitely recommend this to people who are fans or enjoy watching comedic sci-fi or anything science-related in a humorous way.