Global warming is a big problem

Global warming
Global Warming is a big problem that needs to be solved. These are some reasons why it is really bad.
What is global warming? Global warming is when greenhouse gasses are emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere and cause the overall temperature to increase. This is bad because water levels would increase, there would be more bad air quality, and unusual timing in seasonal events and extreme weather events would increase.
First, the greenhouse effect is a big reason why global warming is bad. According to NASA’s global warming article it says, “The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat.” This process makes Earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere.” This means that when gases are in the atmosphere, they tend to keep the heat from escaping the atmosphere. This is one reason why the temperature is rising.
Next, there are many ways to cut down on greenhouse emission. But how long will it take so Earth could not worry about Earth getting hotter? Well there is an answer. Science Daily says that, “rapid action to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases will help to slow down the rate of global warming over the next twenty years.” This means that if people stop emitting greenhouse gases we could decrease the temperature in just 20 years.
Global warming is not permanent. It could always be solved. These are some ways to decrease global warming. First, humans could stop raising so many cows because they emit methane, a greenhouse gas. Next, humans need to stop cutting down trees because doing this emits many levels of carbon dioxide. Another way is decreasing the emission from fluorinated gases because these could stay in Earth’s atmosphere for many years. Another way to help is to tell family members to plant trees because they help decrease carbon dioxide.
In conclusion, decreasing the use of greenhouse gases could save the future and help Earth expand its lifespan. One future prediction is by the year 2040 Earth’s air quality will be better and that global warming will be in the history books.
Michael • Dec 7, 2021 at 2:39 pm
I learned from this article that global warming is something to take very seriously and if not the world would get worse and become an unsafe place to live in.
David Angeles • Feb 24, 2021 at 9:31 am
I learn from this that Global Warming is already a big threat and that we should take it more serous.