The effects of marine pollution

Hi my name is Jennyfer and today I would like to talk to you guys about marine pollution. I will be stating things such as all the pollution in marine life and how it’s been affecting marine wildlife. I will also be stating how and what we can do to stop the polluting from spreading worse and what we can do to stop most of it. I will also make sure to include what’s been causing all this pollution and why is it being caused.
Marine pollution is a very serious topic that should be talked about and fixed. It is very harmful to all marine life. According to National Geographic Society’s article about marine pollution it states that concentration of chemicals in the ocean caused by marine pollution can promote the growth of algal bloom which is very toxic to humans and marine life because it can kill coral reefs, kill marine animals and more. It’s also causing the ocean to look bad because of all the trash that’s in the ocean. According to the article “Sea Turtle Conservancy” it states that there is so much garbage in the ocean that its killing over 1 million animals a year because the animals think its food so they eat it and end up choking and dying. Not only does it harm marine animals it also harms the environment of them such as coral reefs and kills some plants that animals eat off of to stay alive and survive the wildlife. It’s done so much damage and it needs to be stopped.
Since pollution has done so much damage to marine life and environments for the marine animals it needs to be put to an end to it. There are many ways that we can stop the pollution from spreading and making things worse. Some things that may help us stop the pollution from spreading is for some people to stop polluting the beaches and oceans. Another thing we can do to stop pollution is community service where people volunteer to clean up the beaches and the oceans. If you want to help to clean the beach you can sign up at “heal the bay” to volunteer and help clean up the beaches. If we do this it means that there will be less pollution in beaches and oceans which mean it can decrease the amount of deaths pollution has been killing marine life. If we do this and keep it up, the environment and the ocean will be clean for sure and we will restore marine life back to how it use to be.
In conclusion I would like to state this is why marine pollution has to be stopped and be put to an end before spreading worse. Marine pollution has caused way too much damage for the environments of marine life and around the world. Marine pollution has been a problem for about 300 million years and has killed over 100 million marine animals such as fish, sharks, turtles, birds and more. This is the reason I chose to talk about pollution and why it has to be stopped.
Mathew Gonzalez • Dec 8, 2021 at 9:07 am
What this article does well is explain how much marine life has died due to pollution. What I learned from this article is different ways i can help out to keep our oceans clean and help the sea life live longer and healthier lives
Dayana • Dec 8, 2021 at 9:04 am
This article did well in telling us ways to resolve this problem or help prevent it from causing more damage.
Johan Cruz • Dec 8, 2021 at 9:00 am
In this article it talks how marine pollution is bad and how it’s caused and it also explains how we can stop the pollution.
Juliana • Dec 7, 2021 at 2:39 pm
what this article does well is explain how pollution has done damage. What i learned from this article is that pollution is made for marine life.