Doing my homework during Covid-19

Pros and Cons

Doing my homework during Covid-19

Doing homework during online school is weird because I am used to having homework done on a sheet of paper, not on a laptop. 

When I do homework on a laptop I mostly do Google Forms which can be really annoying because you write your answer and then it says your response is too short. Like what else am I supposed to write, I already gave you my answer.

However one good thing about online learning  is you can always fix your answer by backspacing words you don’t want in your response. I prefer that over erasing on a piece of paper and the words always fade into the paper were your work you wanted to erase is still there.

Another issue is when your internet decides to give up and you can’t turn in your homework before the deadline which is usually in like ten minutes so I end up getting a bad grade. Then you have to go to office house to make it up because of something you can’t control.

Lastly, the best thing about doing homework online is that you can get tutors to help you, which is good since I had a hard time keeping up with my classes this year so having someone to help you makes it so it’s not so bad.

Overall I think online homework has its disadvantages and it’s advantages. I think doing homework wasn’t that hard plus you can always check how well you did in your homework through PowerSchool. This is helpful because I can check my grades and when I have bad grades I can attend office hours to fix them or I can see which assignments I need work on.