“Was I the person you expected me to be?”

My mom said she wanted me to be successful enough to give my children a comfortable life. She would hate to have me or my children have to get up at four in the morning to break their back.
She could see me as a lawyer. She thinks it’s a fitting job choice.
She said my brother and I are two very different personalities. She said I’m more of a people person and my brother is more independent or wouldn’t work with people often like a lawyer would. But she did think my little brother would be like me.
David Guzman: Hello, my name is David Guzman and I’m 13 and I’m here with my mother, Leticia Gonzales, and today is September 14th, a Tuesday 2021. We are recording this interview in the state of California. What was the hardest thing about me growing up?
Leticia Gonzales: Like education or..?
DG: It could be anything like one year, two years ago, five years ago, ten years ago.
LG: Well I’d say it was your character and trying to understand you.
DG: I’d say that’s pretty accurate. So if you could change anything about me growing up, what would it be?
LG: I’d try and give you more use for your intelligence.
DG: Mhm. Like a better school? What about something not academic.
LG: I think in my way to educate you I did very well, maybe I’d just let you have a bit more time.
DG: What’s your advice you’d give to raise my kids?
LG: to try and talk to them and treat them like your friend.
DG: Mm. What did you think you’d be when you grew up? Not what did you want to be but what you thought you’d be.
LG: That life would be easy and that I’d be comfortable.
DG: But what job?
LG: I’d like to be a psychologist.
DG: Is that your dream or what you thought. Because I would like that too but I don’t think that’s going to happen, I can see myself being a lawyer though. But I’d love to be a basketball player. Uhh if you could be whatever as your job what would you want to be? Anything you want.
LG: Uhhh I’d like a business.
DG: So like you’re the boss of everything?
LG: To have a family business and stuff. Like to have a job for all our family.
DG: Mm. What would you like to sell in that business?
LG: Herbs.
[both laugh]
DG: Was I the person you expected me to be?
LG: If you were the person I expected?
DG: Yeah.
LG: You were who I expected to be and I hope you keep being like that.
DG: What would you want from me? And after that, what about my kids?
Lg: For you to have a career. Like a lawyer or something. For you to be comfortable with your life. Do not have to worry about your life. For your kids to have no limits to their education.
DG: So have the ability to be anything like a doctor, since some people can’t become doctors due to their student loans. So what job can you see me doing more than anything? Not what you want but what fits.
LG: Haven’t thought of it but maybe a judge, lawyer, maybe even a firefighter.
DG: Really?
LG: Well you like helping people.
DG: I think that is interesting since those are all people jobs instead of independent jobs. Like lawyers defend people in court a lot of the time. So I think you think of me as a people’s helper. What do you see Angel doing with my little brother?
LG:Hard to say since he’s so young.
DG: Yeah but still ,you already notice his personality a bit.
LG: I see him being like an engineer with a house, a career. Someone who talks a lot.
DG: Yeah I agree with something where he uses his imagination. He seems imaginative. And what about my brother Luis.
LG: I think maybe like an investor or maybe like a politician you know, like the president.
DG: Sooo a liar??
LG: Not for that but he’s good at talking. Negotiation and convincing.
DG: So you think me and Angel will be more similar in job choices?
LG: Yeah Luis is more like all to me. And while he’s similar to Angel I see you and Angel more collaborating with other people.
DG: Yeah like Angel for example like lawyers are helpful and like they don’t really own their own law business in the way you see Luis doing like owning a business.
LG: Well I can see you also owning a business in it. Luis is just more independent.
DG: Do you see us being successful at our jobs and home wise?
LG: I see all of you being very successful.
DG: So you said when you grew that you wanted to be a psychologist. Why do you think that you wanted that?
LG: So you’re asking why I thought I’d like it? I guess I just like it, I like knowing about people.
DG: Do you think it’s interesting that me and Luis have very similar interests to you. What do you think caused that?
LG: I’m not sure because I didn’t really talk about it, until I found out about you guys liking it too.
DG: Do you think it’s something just in common then?
LG: Yeah I think so.
DG: I think pretty much everyone is curious about that. Just one more question. How was it when you were growing up compared to now? Like hardship wise.
LG: There were not the opportunities. I don’t think it was just the time, it was the place, growing up in Mexico. You guys lived a fairly comfortable life.
DG: Yeah I agree we have a lot of opportunities.
LG: Yeah also like Mexico and the U.S. is very different.
DG: Yeah like I agree a lot. Now you have an app on your phone to learn pretty much anything. Anyway that is all and thanks for your time.
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