Diva Runners

The Diva runners after the finish.
On Saturday, December 8,2013 at 7:30 a.m eight staff members from AJCMS were among the 6,500 participants in the Diva Run that was a 5K and half marathon at Ontario, CA.
Damaris Pereda said, “I was scared and excited to be able to be in the Diva Run. I really enjoyed being there and my favorite part was seeing my co-workers run around the course. One of the silly things was I saw a man dressed up as Luigi and I also saw a lot of women in tutus. When I crossed the finish line I felt excited, a little surprised and accomplished. I received a feather boa, a rose, a tiara, and a medal by a shirtless and very handsome firefighter so the race was worth it. I am sure I will do other races ,and maybe longer races because I know I can train for it if I set my mind to it. I also enjoyed it because I got to hangout and learn more about my co-workers. Some of the teachers and I danced the “Cupid Shuffle” and the reason I did it was I was inspired by the students in SRLA.”

Gabriela Dampier, Kristen Boywer, Carl Finer,Tiffany Fang, Sue Jean Foulkes, Erika Rodriguez and Cristina Bonfligio were also part of the Diva Run and every person helped charities by running the race.
Carl Finer said, “Being a “Diva” for a day was honestly fun with the other teachers because I didn’t worry what other people would think. It was a lot of fun to be silly with the other teachers and they thought it would be funny seeing me wear a tiara, feather boa and a pink shirt. I did enjoy it and it was a new experience but, the part I did not like was when I was feeling bad and felt like throwing up. I felt pretty bad at the finish because my asthma started to kick in but overall I felt good.”
Eighth grader