How do emotions work?


I have always wondered why I feel a certain way, like when I talk to someone I am happy but I am scared to tell them how I feel. Every time I get this thought in my head and sometimes when I am doing stuff more or less things that made me feel two emotions at once. I start to get these thoughts and they start to make me feel sad but in a happy way.

When you go on a roller coaster and get on a ride you might be scared but you’re excited to be on a ride. That is when two emotions are used in play at the same time. I have felt like this, though I never understood how my emotions work. I was wondering if I was naturally born like this or if this developed over time. So I did some research and found out what is with my emotions making me feel these types of ways.

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According to the article ”The Anatomy of Emotions” by Deborah Halaber, it says, “Scientists also debate whether [emotions] are universal to all human cultures and whether we are born with them or learn them through experience.” This means that what I’m talking about could be true and maybe I could be right that our emotions can come from nowhere and you could still feel happy and sad.

I have been going through things and the happy parts of being with my friends and family make me feel bad even when I am not feeling so well. So I went to do my research again and I found an article that helped me realize what was going on with my emotions.

According to the article “How Do Emotions Work,” “Scientists have discovered that our emotions are often caused by our thoughts. This means two people could be in the same situation, but they might feel different emotions because they have different thoughts.” I found some answers to my questions but one thing I do know is that when I get sad, I start thinking of the people who care and love me.

That is what makes a person feel better. No matter what if you think you’re alone, you’re not because you have people for you that care and love you.