High school enrolling

This is a map showing the locations of Green Dot Public Schools in Southern California.
The applications for Animo High Schools have been due or will be due soon says Gabriela Cervantes, the school counselor at Animo Jefferson Charter Middle school. She recommends for you to go to an Animo school because, “Animo high schools… if you look at the school report cards of the schools in your area its a good opportunity for you guys to compare the high schools that are in your area… and in comparison to the schools in your area that you have access to, Animo schools out perform the schools in your area.”
Cervantes also said, “We are encouraging students to apply to several schools because so many of our high schools are in high demand so there are going to be raffles for all the schools.” She said, ‘That’s why we had parent meetings, parent phone calls going out, we went to your classrooms, we talked to you guys before the end of the lottery…”
Cervantes said if you weren’t at the lottery and you got accepted, they’ll call you or send a letter to your house.
If you got accepted to a school, but you are planning to choose another school Cervantes said,”When they contact you to let you know that you’ve been accepted, let them know that you are choosing another Animo School and then you’ll be removed from the list and then someone else will get your spot.”

See also 8th grade Requirements
Eighth grader
Eighth grader