Are aliens real?
Could aliens be our downfall?

Close-up view on alien’s face. 3D rendered illustration.
Have you ever wondered if aliens are real? If they are in the shadows watching everything we do? There’s a lot of theories surrounding aliens, one being that they abduct people, others believe that aliens are among us. Aliens are an extraterrestrial beings, basically creatures from outer space, known to have an advanced life. They are thought to be a shade of green/gray and seem to have huge black eyes.
But when and where did people first claim to have sighted aliens?
The first ideas regarding what we now call “aliens” date back to Epicurean philosophers in ancient Greece and their Roman disciples (followers). Democritus and Epicurus believed that the universe was the result of a random collision of atoms, and that there were possibly more worlds out there that were inhabited (occupied). Therefore, they believed there was a huge possibility that there are more living things out scattered in the universe.
You might’ve thought that we have a million stories about them, but some alien sightings aren’t exactly true. If you’re going to believe UFO stories, you might as well believe those from folks who have really traveled to space (who usually also come with all their teeth and a P.H.D.). Edgar Mitchell, Cady Coleman, and Dr. Brian O’Leary are among people who have claimed to have seen aliens, with many citing official knowledge of alien existence and cover-ups. Buzz Aldrin has also talked about his own experience on the Apollo 11 when they observed something flying alongside them. They initially assumed it was the detached rocket’s final stage until mission control confirmed it was 6000 miles distant. Therefore, even astronauts who have traveled to space have claimed to see a sign of life in space.
A popular theory about aliens is that they are being kept at Area 51 and that’s why it is a forbidden place to enter. Others also speculate that the government has created them and is keeping them in Area 51 for experiments.
If we do encounter aliens face-to-face, what would happen? Would aliens be friendly or aggressive? It’s possible that the entire society, and even humanity’s future, is on the line. We can’t necessarily imply if they want to hurt us or not since we haven’t exactly got a clear sign. Although, knowing that another sign of life is possibly observing us is alarming.
What do people in our modern time think about the situation, though? David Aleman is a math teacher at Animo Jefferson. He doesn’t necessarily believe in aliens but he doesn’t believe they don’t exist either. He mentions how he has heard stories about aliens when he was younger on the National Geographic channel but that’s about it. He agrees with the idea of paying more attention to aliens since we don’t know what harm they could bring to us, but he hopes that no harm happens when we discover aliens. He also agrees with a popular theory that aliens are being hidden away by the government to prevent panic and such.
Maybe in the future we will know more about aliens. If we survive them.
Dayana • Dec 6, 2022 at 2:46 pm
I liked how he included evidence and I found it interesting and learned more about aliens
Kimberly • Dec 6, 2022 at 2:39 pm
I learned more information about aliens.
Giovanny • Dec 5, 2022 at 2:52 pm
I think that the article makes an intresting.
Richard Flores • Dec 5, 2022 at 2:49 pm
I learned that aliens are a huge thing to this world, real or not.
Kimberly Santibanez • Mar 24, 2022 at 8:48 am
Something interesting didn’t know was that when they first believed aliens were real was a long time ago in ancient Greece.
freddy • Mar 24, 2022 at 8:38 am
i think they are not real because nothing happen to the People
who said they saw one.
Jerry • Mar 24, 2022 at 8:35 am
There is proof that alien are real, this article was more interesting then i thought it would be
Josue • Mar 24, 2022 at 8:29 am
They might be real but we will never now cuz we dont have the right tegnolgy
Aracely • Mar 22, 2022 at 9:00 am
I think that they might be real after reading this but idk maybe they are not but I really like this article
Jacob Ayala • Mar 22, 2022 at 8:30 am
I enjoyed reading this article because it made me a bit more informed about aliens.
Jason • Mar 22, 2022 at 8:29 am
I really liked it and thought how you included theories to make it more interesting was good so keep up the work
Valeria Alcantara Benitez • Mar 21, 2022 at 9:48 am
I really enjoyed reading something new about aliens and how there are a lot of theories of them. 🙂