Diva Principal Foulkes

On December 8th, Principal Sue Jean Foulkes was a Diva. She was a Diva because she ran the race called the Southern California Divas Half Marathon. According to her, she ran this because she was exited to spend some time with the teachers. She said that, on that day, it was a perfect running weather even though it was really cold. She said, ” The reason why I say it’s perfect running weather is because it was really nice for it to never get really hot.”
Foulkes said she enjoyed running for the first nine miles, but then she said it got rough because her knee was hurting and she couldn’t lift her knee to do any running or walking motions. Foulkes said, “I was setting the goal in my head that I’ll run the last mile no matter what.”
At the end, Foulkes said that she earned self respect and dignity. She also got a medal that was really big and tiaras and a bow to celebrate being a Diva!
For her, crossing the finish line made her feel proud and relieved that she won’t have to continue running. She said it was a positive experience, but before running, she said she felt excited and she knew that no matter what, she would finish the half marathon.
She said that she felt supported by everyone. She said that a cool name for the team was made up: “Divas Con Animo.” “I feel like we got a lot of stuff that you can’t necessarily touch.'” Towards the end, she said that she felt tired, glad to be done, and in pain with sores. Overall, she said she had a lot of fun. Her motivation was to finish something and to accomplish it.
Eighth grader
Eighth grader
Sixth grader