Challenges on being an independent artist
This is the electric guitar my brother has bought for me.
Being an independent artist can be hard. An independent artist is someone who is usually working alone and financing their own projects, without the support of an established record label.
These artists make music for the movies and television we watch. Some difficulties that come with it are performing, making music, and producing it without the benefits of sponsors. The goal is for millions of fans to hear it and be inspired to follow their own dreams.
According to NEWSANYWAY, independent musicians have the most struggles, especially when it comes to money. Getting noticed by the public is important but a challenge because with more exposure musicians grow their audience, gain more money and more confidence to keep writing and making music. This popularity, however, does not come easily. People have to commit to listening to the type of music you make.

MIRANDA MEDIA explains that these musicians face challenges and this causes frustration. According to this article, “The key is to learn how to cope with frustration while remaining focused on your goals. Knowing how to deal with these everyday events will help you stay on track and motivated throughout your career.”
Even once an artist begins to get exposure, its still a challenge to turn it into a career. Indie Connect says, “It’s quite another [challenge] to know how to parlay that exposure and notoriety into a career! Many [artists] don’t know how to book themselves, or market their song catalog, or even register to receive all the royalties they have coming to them.”
When you are in the music industry, especially if you’re doing it yourself, it can be challenging to start out. For example, challenges include learning how to play and the expense of buying instruments. This can be expensive and very hard to focus on. You will need to have everything balanced in your life so that you can write and make music for whatever reasons those may be.