How do you feel about school ending?
These are interviews about how students feel about school ending

How school is finishing.
It’s the end of the school year for eighth graders at Animo Jefferson Middle School. This year was unlike any other, with students having to wear masks, sanitize their hands and having to wipe their desk for each class they go to.
It’s also the first year people came back after the whole pandemic. The pandemic has greatly affected students, many of whom missed out on events such as field trips, school dances, and promotion.
However we got lucky this year with schools reopening, which allowed students to enter classrooms and hang out with friends they haven’t seen in nearly two years. Now this school year has come to an end.
I ask eighth graders from AJMS how they feel about school ending:
“I feel weird because this is the place where I always get to see my friends and two of my favorite teachers.” – Joselyn Bustamante
“I’m kind of sad about leaving my friends but I’m happy to start a new chapter in my life.”- Genesis Montano
“I’m happy because now we don’t need to wake up early but I’m also sad cause I wont see my friends” – Thalia Torres
“I have mixed feelings about it because I’m going to miss my friends but happy because I don’t have to do homework anymore.” – Libne Moran
“I feel excited but nervous to start high school.” – Lindsey Garcia
“I will miss my friends” – Keyla Francisco
“Bad” – Hebert Ramirez
“Sad because I wont get to see everyone next school year” – Kimberly Delgado
As you can see, many people will be missing their friends, but at least for the summer won’t have to worry about waking up late, with the best part being no homework. Even though school can get tough I will be missing it since it’s the place I’m always at every weekday. I personally will be missing all of my friends I made this year and thanking them for all the great memories that we all made together. I am sad that this school year is over but happy to start a new chapter in my life. For all the upcoming eighth graders at AJMS all I have to say is appreciate your time there because it will go fast and you won’t even notice it.
Stefany.H • Aug 29, 2022 at 2:39 pm
Do the other high schools also start at 9 A.M. like the high school in this campus, or is the time they start school different?