Cyber bullying in school
Cyberbullying happening
What is cyber bullying?
According to, cyber bullying is bullying which take place in digital devices. It can occur through text, SMS, apps, social media, forums or gaming, areas where people can view and share content. Cyber bullying includes sending, sharing, or posting negative comments about someone else. It can also include sharing personal/private information which can humiliate the target.
What are the effects of cyber bullying?
Some effects of cyber bullying is that you can struggle to concentrate in school which leads to bad grades and makes you lose your motivation to do your schoolwork. It can also cause you to have anxiety or can end up with you having depression, which can lead to harmful thoughts or suicide attempts. Cyber bullying As well can make a person feel insecure or not feel loved or safe.
How to stop cyber bullying?
If you ever experience cyber bullying in any type of way, like texts from large group chats or from getting an embarrassing picture of yourself posted on social media, the best thing to do is delete certain apps you’re getting the most bullied on for a while or just stay offline for bit to give yourself time to talk to a trusting adult about your situation and how it’s affecting you. Explain how the situation is giving you a hard time to concentrate in school or how it’s making you feel uncomfortable when hanging out with groups of people.
What are some signs of cyber bullying?
Some signs of cyber bullying are when you feel emotionally upset after using the internet or feel upset when using a device. Another sign is that you’re talking back to a grown adult and sleeping all the time after school as well as spending more time in your room than usual.
How to receive help if you’re being cyber bullied?
If you’re being cyber bullied, the best thing to do is to talk to a trusting adult and start off a good conversation, then bring up the issue and how it’s affecting you as a person. Also, try to tell who’s bullying you, when did the bullying happen, and where did the bullying happen. This is in order to punish those who are bullying you. That’s all, thanks for reading this!
“I think bullying is bad cause it can make someone feel really unloved and it can make them wanna die so basically just stay strong and don’t let anyone get in your way.”