Crystal Perez
the perfect friendship
Crystal (left), Kasandra (middle), and Desteny (right) on a bus going to a field trip to CSUN.
“Hi my name is Crystal Perez and I’m in grade 8. The people that have had the biggest impact on my life are probably Kasandra and Desteny. They have the biggest impact on my life because I appreciate the times that we have together and I value those moments that we have. I feel like if I didn’t have them in my life I would feel a little more sad than usual, but since I have them I feel complete. I also feel like I can just tell them about personal problems like family issues and they would just be there for me and always support me no matter what. I feel like they can be there for me obviously they are always there for me when I need comforting. I tell them everything and I feel like I could never hide anything from them.”