Discrimination against immigrants in Florida
Families are being ripped apart
Florida governor Ron Desantis signing a new immigration bill.
WPECaaYou might have heard about what’s going on in Florida, but if you haven’t, Mexicans are losing their jobs and homes in Florida. According to the American immigration council, 21% of all people living in Florida are immigrants. They have contributed a lot to Florida’s economy with their skills in labor. Although they have done all these great things, they face a lot of trouble with not being able to work legally.
According to flgov.com, Governor Ron DeSantis has decided to sign Senate bill 1718 and impose criminal penalties on people who transport Mexicans with no documents. According to CBS NEWS, immigrants stopped showing up to work and more difficulties arose. Since they lack proper documents, businesses don’t want to hire immigrants because they fear of receiving penalties, such as jail time for some business owners.
It’s surprising to see how much discrimination Mexicans get even though there are anti-discrimination laws that protects all employees regardless of their nationality. CBS NEWS also states that some families are scared of going outside of their homes.
The effect of not having a job is starting to hit. Some people have nowhere to turn for help and are struggling financially. According to CBS NEWS many immigrants in Florida don’t show up to work since they now live in fear everyday of getting deported. This has led to emotional challenges from families breaking apart and a chance of never seeing one another again.
According to Newsweek an abandoned construction site has been seen after the anti-immigration law since so many of the immigrants to the state were construction workers. You also might have seen a trend going around on a popular platform called “Tiktok” of the new construction workers getting hate for how they work. Some go to say that people in Florida should not buy houses built after 2023 because of this.