Was Flappy Bird as addicting as the Candy Crush Saga?

This is the logo of the app, The Candy Crush Saga. Over thousands download this game every day.
The app Flappy Bird became a worldwide sensation, but was it as addicting as the Candy Crush Saga? Flappy Bird was an app in which you would tap the screen to lift the bird on the screen and maneuver through pipes. The Candy Crush Saga, on the other hand, is an app closely related to the original game Bejeweled, in which you had unlimited lives and would have to match three of the same jewels to each other. But now, instead of using jewels, you would have to match the same kind of candies to clear the jellies and move on to the next level. The game only provides you five lives to do so.
Kevin Carranza, sixth grader at Animo Jefferson Charter Middle School, says that he has never played Candy Crush and is addicted to the game Flappy Bird.
Kaylee Nebo, eighth grader at AJCMS who plays both Candy Crush and Flappy Bird, says, “Flappy Bird [is more addicting] because you try to beat your high score.”
Kimberly Quintero, eighth grader at AJCMS who also plays both Candy Crush and Flappy bird, says, “Flappy Bird is more addicting because once you start playing it’s a constant urge to beat your high score.”
Belinda Aguilar, seventh grader at AJCMS, says, “Flappy Bird [is more addicting] because you want to beat the high score you already have.”
When Flappy Bird was released, over 50 million users downloaded this game. Unfortunately, Flappy Bird was discontinued because the inventor of this famous app, Dong Nguyen, became sick of it. Dong posted on Twitter that he took the app off of the app store because he thought that it was supposed to relax the players, but it became an addictive game which was not what he was aiming for. However, if you had downloaded Flappy Bird before it was taken down, you are still able to play it and flap on. Meanwhile, the Candy Crush Saga continues to be downloaded by thousands of people every day and also becomes addicting to many people worldwide and provides you with in-app purchases to buy extra lives, extra moves, etc. Candy Crush has, on average, has about 46 million users per month.
Eighth grader