Let’s run to the Candy Store

Alma Gonzalez and Ana Martinez are holding one of their favorite candy. The SRLA team had to choose a type of candy that they all wanted.
On February 6, 2014, SRLA students had to run to a candy store called Jack’s Wholesale Candy & Toy instead of having a normal practice routine because the whole team was getting rewarded for finishing the eighteen mile Friendship Run.
Everyone enjoyed running as a team to the candy store. Eighth grade SRLA runner, Ana Martinez enjoyed this run because she loves candy and running in the rain. “I felt super happy and really hyper seeing all the different types of candy,” Ana said.
Another eighth grade runner, Elizabeth Morales said, “I felt good running in the rain because it felt fresh and I already knew I was going to get candy after practice.”
All of the runners ran as fast as they could in order to find the candy store open. When they got there they were so amazed seeing all the candy and couldn’t decide on what to choose. When they ran back it started to rain and the runners had fun getting wet on their way back. Eventually, they returned to the school and ate the candy.
Eighth grader
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