“I want my dream job, which is to be an FBI profiler. I want this job because I have always liked being in the field. I also plan on moving away for college. I think this is gonna help me discover how I am and what I need for the future. If it’s possible me and my best friend Chanelle are planning to start a business. I think this is gonna help us very much with our plans in the future which is buying a house together and starting a new life away from here.”
Fatima Vasquez
She hopes to become an FBI profiler and move away from here with her best friend
Geraldine Sanchez, editor
January 19, 2024

Fatima Vasquez and her best friend Chanelle.
Fatima • Jan 22, 2024 at 12:06 pm
I learned that Fatima wants to be and FBI agent and wants to start planning a business with Chanelle.
Amaurie _P • Jan 19, 2024 at 9:43 am
That’s a very nice life plan, looks like you have everything sorted out! Good luck!