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Jeremy Farkas

A teacher who changed careers
Mr. Farkas holding his baby, Poppy.
Mr. Farkas holding his baby, Poppy.
Mrs. Farkas

“The most difficult part is planning and grading … how much time it takes up also keeping the room clean. The easiest thing about my job is sharing ideas and stories that I love. I like my job because you guys, the students, make it new and interesting everyday and come up with something goofy and interesting and challenging and uhuh, creative…

I chose to become a teacher, because this was not my first career. I worked in IT, worked in tech. Um I hate computers. I’m good at working with computers but I don’t like them because computers don’t do the fun funny crazy things you guys do and computers don’t come up with the crazy things you do you… so I left tech and started teaching. I left tech and went to teaching school.

Uh well, what’s on top of me right now is that I had a baby, uh so not on my own, my wife and I had a baby. Her name is Poppy and I love her into a million pieces, um, and that’s the most important thing I have ever done.”  

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