“Hello my name is Nallely Solano. Someone important to me is my older sister Yanizite. The reason she is so important to me is because she’s someone that has always been there for me and has looked out for me as I grow. She is basically like my best friend and I always look up to her. She always buys me stuff that I need when she can. She grew up close to me during my childhood and it was fun growing up with her. Without her I wouldn’t be going out like I do right now. She helps me experience new things when we go out. One of my favorite memories is when we went to the beach. We had a lot of fun but she almost drowned but overall she was fine. After the whole thing passed we look back on how it was a bit funny. I’m glad to say I have her as a sister because I wouldn’t be who I am today without her.”
Nallely Solano
Her sister has a big impact on her life
Jossy Dominguez, staff writer
April 12, 2024

Yanizite Solano