Matthew Patrick, also known by his Youtube alias Matpat, is an American now semi-retired Youtuber who’s best known for hosting a channel named Game Theory which had discussed backstories of games. His most well known episodes were about the Five Nights at Freddy’s series.
Game theory started on August 22, 2011. Originally Game Theory was created as a means to add something new to MatPat’s resume in order to demonstrate to potential employers his expertise in writing, researching and editing videos online. He had been inspired by an Extra Credits episode on tangential learning from that he created a web series of his own, now known as Game Theory.
On January 9th 2024 MatPat had announced his retirement from the channel on a video titled “Goodbye Internet.” March 9th was his last day hosting Game Theory.
The reasoning behind MatPat’s retirement, explained on his farewell video, is that he wants to spend more time with his family as he said in the video “Goodbye Internet” he said, “The internet’s changing my life has changed in the last 13 years. I mentioned Ali before, he’s the coolest little dude and he’s getting older by the minute and I watch him and he is so much fun and he is so much smarter than when I was his age. He also probably knows the FNaF lore better than I do which is a problem I should probably address at some point but honestly I want to be able to spend more time with him.”
What does this mean for the channel?
But with his retirement, Game Theory and the other spinoff channels are being passed onto four members of his staff, Lee Collins, Amy Roberts, Santiago Massa, and Tom Robison, who will be taking MatPat’s place on Game Theory.
However, that doesn’t mean that MatPat will be completely gone from the channel. MatPat is just stepping down from hosting the channels but he will still be involved with behind-the-scenes production. Theories will still be made and posted on Game Theory and the other channels. The channels themselves will not be taken off or erased from the platform.
What now?
Now what will Matpat be up to now that he’s retired? Since MatPat’s retirement, other than behind the scenes production, MatPat might not be hosting Game theory but he will be continuing to host GTlive along with other projects. Such as the upcoming fashion show called “Creators In Fashion” on April 25th hosted by MatPat. But hey that’s just a theory, a AJMS theory, Thanks for reading.
Heidi Aracen • Mar 20, 2025 at 1:07 pm
Matpad was a good man, hopefully he lives like a legend
Salma/Noah • Sep 13, 2024 at 12:07 pm
sir this is very very sigma
Salma/Noah • Sep 13, 2024 at 12:10 pm
dis is scotts brother
johann • May 30, 2024 at 1:57 pm
this is so sigma