In Los Angeles there are many stray animals, mainly cats and dogs. Just walking around your neighborhood you may see some stray cats and dogs. Stray animals are animals who are born on the streets or have been abandoned.
A primary cause as to why they are strays is due to economic change — their owners are no longer able to care for them. Another reason is change in a person’s lifestyle — the owner no longer has time for them. As well as a shift in the owners priorities — meaning there may be something else that has become more important than the pet.
Stray animals are usually found wandering around their area or “territory” looking for food or for shelter. These animals lives may be a struggle for them as they are searching for food, water and if injured they have no medical care.

Some solutions are to adopt/ take one in if you are able to. Another thing you could do is — if you see one — give it some food and water. You could also –if your able to — take it to your nearest animal shelter, as they may be better off in one than in the streets. You could also volunteer at shelters and/ or foster one. Fostering an animal is when you take care of an animal at home until someone adopts it.
Understanding the Root Causes of Stray Pets: A Complex Challenge