Opinions on the Dash route changes
This is a student from Animo Ralphe Bunche that got impacted by the Dash route changes thanks to parent leaders and city council members.
On Saturday, March eighth, Animo Jefferson Charter Middle School thanked the parents and people that contributed in helping to change Dash routes to make transportation safer and easier for students to get to school.
Parents of Animo Jefferson and Animo Ralphe Bunch saw problems with the way their children arrived to and went home from school on the Dash. As a result, parent leaders would stand outside the school to gain signatures for additional Dash stops closer to the area of the school in order for students to be safer and get to school on time.
One person who participated in getting the dash routes changed was Susan Bok, who works with the Department of Transportation. Bok said, “I think people that show that kind of dedication in the community is exemplar and this is how America works and I was glad to see it worked in this situation.”
Aggy Barbero, a parent of a student at AJCMS, participated as well by getting involved in the meetings and supporting the school. Barbero said, “It’s worth it because it’s another way of transportation for students to get to school on time.”
As a form of thanking the contributors, AJCMS handed out certificates during the ceremony.
Eighth grader
Eighth grader