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Alicia Escobar

Miss Escobar’s teen life
Miss Escobar at Snoqualmie Falls, WA.
Miss Escobar at Snoqualmie Falls, WA.
Alicia Escobar

“Well I always enjoyed school so I had an easy time in middle school. Uhm like I said I was involved in  cross country, soccer, basketball, I played softball outside of school. I used to play the saxophone in middle school. My high school days were pretty similar, I took a lot of honors and AP classes when I was in high school and spent a lot of time preparing for college.

When I was in middle school my grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer so that affected me for a while but, after a couple years she went into remission so she’s fine now and then in high school I found out her husband, my grandpa, also got diagnosed with cancer. So I was trying to deal with family stuff like at the same time trying to balance family, school, and sports. That was always difficult to juggle.

Uhm one thing that I always think about that I regret is not playing the saxophone longer. I wish I would have kept it up throughout high school. The other thing is I cared too much about what people thought about me.  I think I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.”

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