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Justin Hernandez

“‘I changed a lot”
Justin in Mr. Finer's class.
Justin in Mr. Finer’s class.
Joel Cazares

“So how I think I have changed because at the beginning of sixth grade, I just came back from elementary school. And when I was in elementary school, they would, like, they would bother me a lot, and they would think I was, like, a weird kid. So like, when I came back, I was, like, just angry at everybody, like, if they insulted me, I’ll just get angry and punch them, like, I would just start insulting them back. But like, when I got to seventh grade, I changed a lot like, I gotta stop getting angry at people. I started becoming more calm”


The subject of this story, Justin Hernandez, wrote this addition:

When I was in elementary school I was always bullied. From first grade to third grade I was always bullied, so from fourth to fifth grade I decided to sleep through those two years of elementary, which I would, because as a kid I thought if I try to talk to the kids around me they would just make fun of me or bother. So I just said what’s the point in staying awake, so I would almost never be awake in class. In recess during elementary, same thing. I would go to a corner, put my head down somewhere and start sleeping, but because I slept through those years when I got to middle school it was very hard to talk to people and to understand what was happening In math class. Even if its still very hard to socialize with people till this day, I still have friends and don’t get bullied as much anymore, even if I still don’t know how to do simple math. I don’t care because as long as you can read and write I feel like you should be good in life.

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