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Abby Hernandez

Abby loves her nephew Luca and her pets (but only Duke)
"Luca is a cutie patootie" - Abby
“Luca is a cutie patootie” – Abby
Rudy Hernandez

“I have a nephew named Luca. He just turned one year old on August 4th. I have two birds, one is named Starburst and the other one is named Tweety. My dog’s name is Duke. He’s like a mix of a pit bull and something else I forgot though. I had a dog named Clever. He died, we had to put him down, he was getting old. And then the two birds, Tweety and Starburst. They kind of killed- I had a third bird they kind of killed her. They killed Mookie, that’s what we named it. When I grow up I kind of want to be a 911 operator or an FBI agent. Those sound pretty cool because the TV shows got to me.”

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