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Leslie Esmeralda Rosales

Her favorite pets are her cat Shadow and her dog Honey
Leslie's dog Honey and her cat Shadow.  Shadow is being held because he doesn't like photos.
Leslie’s dog Honey and her cat Shadow. Shadow is being held because he doesn’t like photos.
Leslie Rosales

“I have a cat and three dogs. My cat, Shadow and my newborn dog, Honey, are my favorites because out of all my pets Shadow is the one that comforts me, who makes me happy and stays with me, but there are times where he does scratch me but in a playful way. Honey is also my favorite because she is the youngest one, is very cute, and playful with everyone. Even though she tends to bark at people at first, but once she gets to know them she will start to jump and run around them. They like to follow me everywhere and try to get my attention so I can pet them and whenever I come back home they are always happy to see me.”

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