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“Serving has always been a thing for me, I love to serve.”

Jay'Onna and Jay'La at Rowley Park.
Jay’Onna and Jay’La at Rowley Park.
Jay’La Sanders

Jay’La Sanders explains the goals she has and where she expects to be in the next two to three years. She talks about what she expects from life. She wants to make a business to help people.

She explains that she is a kind and loving person that just wants to help God’s people.



Jay’Onna Moore: Where do you see yourself in the next two to three years?

Jay’La Sanders: Umm in the next two to three years I see myself uhh being successful in the two of my non-profits that I have. My mom and I run two non-profits one for [inaudible] foster youth and another for women whose just getting released from prison. So I see myself being active in that and you know, being successful in that.

JM: Okay. What made you, what like inspired you to want to do non-profit?

JS: Ummm well, serving has always been a thing for me, I love to serve. That makes my heart feel so joyful to serve and umm me and my mom has a homeless out reach as well where for two years straight we were feeding homeless every Tuesday. Giving out hygiene bags and that just you know, made our week. That made us feel good ’cause you know, it just warms our heart to help and serve other people. So that’s what inspired me. Having a heart to wanna like help other people that’s less fortunate than I am.

JM: And do you plan to go, like how do I say? Like world-wide with this?

JS: Yes, if I could you know, resources and you know opportunities allow me to then I definitely would. 

JM: What are goals for also the next two to three years besides the non-profit, what else do you see yourself doing and what goals do you have set for yourself?

JS: Oh, I see myself married of course and with children, you know, making lots of money. Just flourishing.

JM: Umm… How do you think that…. What are you going to do to get your money and keep your money up? And not like, people usually get money and then they loose it but how you gonna keep going and not losing?

JS: I’m gonna continue doing what I’m called to do and working my purpose and do right by people and umm like God said, When you give He will give to you. So as much as you give to people it will be given back to you. So long as I’m giving and serving and doing what I’m here, called to do, then my money will always be right.

JM: Okay, okay, ummm what advice would you have for someone that is starting up their own business and struggling, think they can’t do it and ’bout to give up.

JS: Advice I have is don’t, don’t give up. It is hard especially when you starting from the ground up especially, you know starting on your own and starting from scratch and you know, a lot of people gate keep with information because they don’t want you to you know, be better than them or feel like they, you know, are going to be better than them so they gate keep a lot of information. So it’s kinda like you gotta like really dig and do your own research and you know, get to networking, to know people that know people. You know, I’m not gonna say it’s the easiest to do you know, it’s hard work that pays off.

JM: Are you working on anything at this moment? Right now?

JS: Yeah. At the moment I’m working on getting grants and funding to buy the property or the house units to be able to house these people to get my, both of my  non-profit started.

JM: And to be able to get you’re non-profit started and invite people, how would that work? Like what would you have to do to get people, like would you like go on the streets and be like, “Do you have a place to live?” or would there be like a website?

JS: Well for one, I’m already having an homeless outreach and feeding people who, we already know a few homeless that need housing [inaudible], so that’s a plus and then you know, we know that we can be added on to the list for the county to call us for people who need housing, that’s getting released from jail or [inaudible] foster youth that need housing. We can be referral so…

JM: Anything else you wanna say, get off you chest?

JS: Umm 

JM: For the people.

JS: Well, what I want to say is if any of you is holding unforgiveness in your heart, please ask God to forgive ya’ll and you know move forward with your life. Being unforgiving or not forgiving somebody, you only holding yourself in stagnation and trauma and in bondage so just let it go for your own safety, for your own peace, for your own sanity. Because you know what I’m sayin’. you not gonna get nothing good out of not forgiving someone who hurt you or did you wrong. We all you know, do wrong by each other and we’re human, we all gonna mess up, but it’s about repenting. Asking God to forgive you, moving on, and asking the other person to forgive you, and you forgiving that other person. Whole-heartedly so, just be forgiving guys. It’s gonna be helpful.

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