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“I am happy I’m actually surprised it turned out this way.”

Katherine taking a photo for the Bulldog Bugle.
Katherine taking a photo for the Bulldog Bugle.
Katherine Mendez

Katherine Mendez talks about herself in an interview with her sister. Katherine talks about different topics and events in her life. She talks about her hobbies, interests, childhood, and education. She also talks about people in her life who inspired her. During the interview she also talks about how she feels about how her life turned out.



Jade Cano: So what is your name?


Katherine Mendez: My name is Katherine Mendez.


JC: Um, can you tell me about yourself?


KM: You’re not going to ask me what my birthday was, Jade? Rude.


JC: Okay.


KM: Say, what was it? Come on Jade.


JC: [laughs] Okay, what was your birthday?


KM: Jesus, you know.


JC: Wait, when’s your birthday?


KM: I was born on December 15, 1996 in LAC-USC Hospital.


JC: So, what was your childhood like?


KM: My childhood was [pause] very good, it was a very happy childhood.


JC: Are there any, like your favorite moments or?


KM: Um… Favorite moments? [Pause] Not really. Favorite, like, favorite moments? I don’t know.


JC: Like, like, happy moments, or?


KM: [Pause] Wow, Jade [laughs] you just sprung this on me. Um… Happy moments? You know what, it’s like a, I mean, it was like an everyday thing. We’re happy every day. Um, but… Birthdays. Birthdays. Birthdays were [pause] very happy.


JC: Um, what are some of your hobbies or interests?


KM: Hobbies… You know, I like to work out [snort] you know, I like to go run. Every night. I like to meditate, you know. No, actually, um, journal. I have a journal. I like to write.


JC: What do you write about?


KM: About how my day was. Things I want to do for tomorrow, stuff like that. But I always do my journals. Every night.


JC: Um, what is one thing that you like about yourself?


KM: I’m just a happy person. You know, there’s a lot of little things. I’m a great mom. Not the best, but great, you know. Um what else what else? You know [giggles] we’re always very, like… happy. Even when we’re mad, we could joke around and still be like…


JC: Um is there someone in your life that influenced you to, like, do something?


KM: Um [inaudible] Um My mom. Not influenced. But, like, encouraged. My mom.


JC: To do what?


KM: To just be a better person overall.


JC: Is this what you imagine your life to be like?


JC: My… I did not picture my life to be like… I did not. I mean, who pictures themselves with three… no, five kids at a very young age. No. Um, no. But, you know, it’s not all bad. I wish I traveled. But… You know, I can’t complain.


JC: Okay um…What was the biggest challenge in your life?


KM: Biggest challenge… I think my biggest challenge was… when I was…17 and I had my…my twin girls. You know, I wasn’t ready to be a mom. But… And I didn’t want to be a mom. I didn’t want to be around. I didn’t want to be there. But… My mom gave me an option. It was whether to leave the babies and go on with my life. Far away. Or stay and be a mom. That was my biggest challenge.


JC: [Pause] Um, is there anything that you plan on doing in the future?


KM: I’m traveling.


JC: Where?


KM: You know what? Anything out of the… California. That’ll be a great start. I want to go to Tennessee. Tennessee. For sure. I have to go before I die. Which is a very long time from now. [Pause] That’s it? [Laughs]


JC: Wow. Um, what are your future goals?


KM: Uh… I want to… I made little goals. I want to better my handwriting, I want to better my typing, and I want to get my high school diploma finally. Those are my goals, Jade. Short term goals. Long term goals, I just want to be happy with my kids.


JC: Um…when you were a kid like what was your like dream job?


KM: I wanted to be a social worker. I always wanted to be a social worker. I always liked writing and typing. Um… but… now it’s just…I like my job.


JC: Um…what was your education like?


KM: I was…I had a very good education offered to me. Um…I didn’t take advantage of it. That’s a very different thing. But, um… I had good schools. I had great teachers. Um… that…you know encouraged me to do better and to stay focused in school but…I didn’t…quite do that. But I had great teachers. Great counselors.


JC: Did you have any like favorite teachers or?


KM: I did. Mr. Rodriguez from here and then a principal. A principal from my high school, Rita Carlo. Miss Washington, she was very encouraging.


JC: What did she encourage you to do?


KM: Um…like I said you know… just be a better person. I wasn’t…I wasn’t the best person back in middle school and high school. But she taught, you know she encouraged me to be…you know a better person with not just, you know one another. Like, you know even with strangers, not just people at the school. Just everyone overall. You know. She used to always say. a smile makes a difference.


JC: Um… Are you happy with how your life turned out?


KM: I am happy. I’m actually surprised it turned out this way this well you know. But yes. I am happy.


JC: Um… what’s… what’s one of the… like… the… one of the things that gives you happiness? In your life.


KM: One [pause] One thing that gives me happiness are my kids.


JC: Why?


KM: Because they’re so adorable. And they’re such… I mean at the end of the day I know my girls could be a little like… grumpy. But they’re good kids. All my kids are good kids. That’s what makes me happy.


JC: Oh [inaudible]


KM: Anything else Jade?


JC: No. That’s it.


KM: Okay. Alright.


JC: Thank you for your time.


KM: You’re welcome. You’re welcome. Anytime. Anytime.


JC: Alright.

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