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“The cross team is definitely different from other sports.”

Xathzire and Yelizah at the Science Center taking a picture.
Xathzire and Yelizah at the Science Center taking a picture.
Xathzire Suarez Leyva

Yelizah Suarez Leyva talks about where she wants to go in the future for school and sports. She explains what she wants for herself in the future and the job she wants.



Xathzire Suarez Leyva: Ok um what’s your name? 


Yelizah Suarez Leyva; Um my name is Yelizah Suarez Leyva.


XSL: Ok. What grade are you in? 


YSL: I’m currently a twelfth grader, a senior in Animo Ralph Bunche High School. 


XSL; Alright, nice. Do you want to do any sports or- Do you do any sports or outside of school activities?


YSL: Yes, I do cross country and track. 


XSL: Nice. What made you want to do that sport? 


YSL: For me I’ve always wanted to be a part of a sport but I wanted to do something I was passionate about, so I definitely wanted to do running. I remember it was my freshman year and we were doing that our mile run because you’re supposed to run a mile for your freshman year, and I remember the coach saw how fast I ran and he told me I should consider joining cross country the next year because the season was over. So, after that, um, I just joined cross country, and for track I always wanted to do track as well, I wanted to do a different combination of running and we never- we didn’t have track teams some years, so last year I persuaded the coach to uh, re open the track team and he did. So, yeah. 


XSL: That’s good. Um how long have you been doing these sports? 


YSL: I’ve been doing cross country for three years, and for track this year, um, the upcoming semester would be my second year doing track. 


XSL: Ok. Do you see yourself pursuing this sport in the future? 


YSL: I definitely see myself, hopefully, um, I see myself doing cross country in college, track is extremely extremely competitive and I feel like If I started it at a younger age I would’ve been more passionate about it, but I’m more set on cross country, so hopefully In college I can do running. 


XSL: That’s good. Um. Has being on the track team taught you anything new? 


YSL: Track and Cross? 


XSL: Uh yeah. 


YSL:  Cross team it’s definitely different from other sports. Most sports are competitive but cross country is such a friendly sport and just proves that like you- even with your competitors you still have to be professional and just be polite to everyone, it’s such a welcoming sport, everybody is nice to everybody. You need to have good sportsmanship and for track you definitely work a lot under pressure but I like it a lot, I think both sports are wonderful and the environment is really nice and welcoming. 


XSL: That’s  good mind. Uh, Do you wish you started the sport earlier?


YSL: Yeah, I wish I did cross country my freshman year…Feel like you know, just a year different would have made a super duper big impact, I definitely would have made me captain, this year I’m co-captain, feel like if I started my freshman year I would have been captain, but yeah and I wish some middle schools offered cross country on the side, ours didn’t, but I feel like I should’ve looked more into it and for track like what I said, I wish the school opened the track team when it was my freshman year but it took some time to convince the coach but it happened at least and I’m grateful about that. 


XSL: That’s good. Um other than that sports, how has your senior year been so far? 


YSL: Um, my senior year has been, I wouldn’t say frustrating, just a lot of hassle maintaining AP classes and due to enrolling courses and and at the same time college applications is very stressful, but I know at the end it will be worth it. It’s gonna be like this for the first semester, and its just-it’s just an adjustment and I know I will adjust to it but right now it has been a hassle but It could be worse so Im just doing my best to go with the flow. 


XSL: That’s good, that’s good. Um what would you say has been your favorite school year in general? 


YSL: My favorite school year would definitely be my junior year. I feel like I got closer to my teachers and coaches, and my friends and I definitely I’ve got- I made friends with people I never would be friends with my junior year but mainly because of the field trips we had. I had a wonderful trip to visit the NorCal colleges and yeah, I had made some really good bonds with people over there. 


XSL: That’s good. Um If you can go back to one school year and try to redo it all what would it be? 


YSL: My freshman year. I feel like I was more reserved my freshman year and that had happened but I feel like I should’ve made my mark and made my stance definitely should’ve joined cross country, definitely should’ve been a manager for other sports. Um but yeah, I feel like I was more reserved, but I should put myself out there. 


XSL: Yeah. Ok that’s good. Um, hold on I literally lost the question…For college what major would you want to do? 


YSL: I see myself somewhere in business, finance, or economics. That’s something I definitely wanna look into, but a major I would- that’s my main major, but I also really love fashion, love magazines and stuff. Love fashion. That would probably be something on the side but as if right now I want to focus on business and finance. 


XSL: Yeah, that’s a good major to be in. Uh what college would you want to get in? 


YSL: I would- my eyes are set on UC Berkeley, I loved it over there. Definitely definitely my number one choice, If not, um, Merced for cross country, and Santa Cruz is very nice. Those are my top three, but Berkeley is definitely the number one on my list. 


XSLL: What college do you see yourself going in? 


YSL; I definitely see myself- I see myself in Berkeley. I really do. When I went over there I loved it, I felt like i fit in so perfectly, but I also see myself going into Merced. I see myself running at UC Merced, hopefully things go well and I can have an opportunity to run for college. 


XSL: Ok, that’s good. Uh for school do you want to get out of the country or stay here?  


YSL: Out of the country? 


XSL: Yeah, or like anywhere out of California? 


YSL: Um, I would be absolutely interested in anything. If there are opportunities  to have new experiences, I’m going to take them. If I have a scholarship to go to college out of the state or anything I would definitely look into it, I would be totally down for it. 


XSL; That’s good. Why would you want to leave? 


YSL: Um. Like I said, for new experiences, meeting new people, new cultures. Like everywhere it’s different, you know, you can be outside of another state, it’s- everywhere is different, and I feel like it’s just good to surround yourself with something different all the time…and yeah, I feel like different is good. 


XSL: What’s your dream college? Like full on dream. 


YSL: Like dream college? 


XSL: Yes. 


YSL: Hmmm. Um. Stanford. 


XSL: Yeah, that is a good college. 


YSL: Stanford would be my dream college. I know I have to be humble and stuff. I mean. Yeah, it’s beautiful. I went up, it’s so beautiful and the athletics team is great…I think its amazing. Do I think I’ll get in? No. I can dream. 


XSL: [Laughs] 


YSL: [inaudible] 


XSL: Um. Is there like any other reason why its your dream college?  Is like the programs good there?


YSL: The academic is great. Its like considered an Ivy league, its in California too so I’ll be here where my family is at, and when I went there- the like aesthetic over there was so beautiful, I loved it. 


XSL: Yeah, it is really pretty. Um Do do you think college is going to be more important to you than high school is? 


YSL: Yes. I mean college, your solidifying your life, you know, like college is make or break it, like you have to work your butt off, get your degree, start looking for a job and stuff. I mean some people do look for jobs in high school but like college is like- what happens after college is like connect the next step of your life. So, yeah. 


XSL: When you get your college degree or if you do get it, what do you see your self dong in the future future? 


YSL: Defiantly  see myself doing real estate, probably part time. I would probably go back to school to get my master degree, but yeah, I see myself working. Maybe going back to school, and yeah. 


XSL: That’s good, that’s a good idea for your life. Um..Are you the type of person to focus on your dreams or anything new? 


YSL: I’m both. I can’t pick. I’m definitely both, I feel like you can balance both…your dreams can be something based on trying something new, you know. My dreams could be anything, you know? One of my dreams is to travel. That’s trying something new, I feel like I can do both. 


XSL: That’s a good thought to have. Do you see yourself having a specific job in the future? If so what is it? 


YSL: I definitely don’t. I see myself doing a lot of different stuff before laying the ground down, and just being like, “Ok this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.” I feel like I have to try everything out. See what’s the best. 


XSL: What was your dream college as a kid, and if it changed why did it change? 


YSL: My dream job as a kid was actually being a real estate agent, it still hasn’t changed. I plan on getting my real estate license, after I turn 18, so yeah surprisingly it still hasn’t changed. 


XSL: Yeah. that’s good. Um. Why do you want to be a real estate? 


YSL: Why do I want to work in real estate? 


XSL: Yeah. 


YSL: I feel like its important to have a job that’s going to be easy for you, I feel like its very easy or me to talk to people and put myself out there, and to make or break it situation, you know? Real estate, I mean…I’m more for focused on finding a job that can also give me a good income that could support myself. I want to be financially successful, and financially stable, and I feel like if I go the right way with real estate I can achieve that. 


XSL: Um, In the future do you want to have family or be alone? 


YSL: I definitely see myself with a family. 


XSL: Mhm. 


YSL: I’m more family oriented, so yeah. 


XSL: That’s good. Um If you do want to have a family where do you see your self living for your family and support them? 


YSL: I don’t want to live in the city. I definitely want to live far away, I would love to live in the forest or somewhere. I definitely don’t want to be in the city. I wanna be isolated from all the noise.


XSL: What’s your dream place to live? A city, a country? 


YSL: Like what I said, um I love country side. I just want to be where its quiet. 


XSL: That’s good. 


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