“I decided to join Student Council because I saw the other kids in Student Council and I saw how they made the school more fun, more like…I don’t know, they called my attention so I wanted to help, help out like make it more fun for other students. Sometimes it is hard because umm….because we have like some type…we’re running out of time and then we got to have a lot of things ready or like, we’ve been told last minute so we have to hurry up. Also because some students don’t put their part in and we have to cover up for them. Mmm…I think it will because before I was really really quiet, like I wouldn’t talk to no one but now I’m like talkative and it would help plan out for other things in the future. Uhh…To take up the good work even though they think they can’t draw or they can’t do anything right, it’s just like they’re beginning but later on they’ll get better and better.”
Jayleen Munoz
Joining Student Council changed her into a better student
Janet Ronquillo, staff writer
December 3, 2024

Jayleen standing next to a bulletin board made by Student Council members.
Allison • Dec 4, 2024 at 10:58 am
stop lying you still sleeping in 4th period