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“My favorite memory from my childhood was when my mom bought me a blue truck to play with because we never had money, I only played with sticks or stones. That was my favorite gift.”

English version
Katelyn and her dad in 2015
Katelyn and her dad in 2015
Katelyn Hernandez

Cesar Hernandez grew up in poverty in Mexico. He talks about how his own childhood affected the way he raised me and my siblings, teaching us important lessons about hard work and staying strong. As a father, he’s always thought about the choices he made and how they’ve impacted our family and himself as a human being. Looking back, he sees his life as a journey of learning, growing, and trying to be better every day.



Katelyn Hernandez: My name is Katelyn Hernandez and I’m 13 years old and I’m talking to Cesar Hernandez, who is my dad.

KH: What was your childhood like?

Cesar Hernandez: My childhood was very fun but very sad because we didn’t have all the resources to study and to get ahead. Uhh, my dad would take me out of school to work when I was in second, third, fifth grade. That’s why I didn’t have much education. At the time I was born there were no cell phones like now. I played marbles and the tops that I made. I remember that I was very mischievous, I rode calves and I liked to go hunting with my dad, my childhood was very nice.

KH Okay, umm, can you share a favorite memory from your childhood?

CH: My favorite memory from my childhood was when my mom bought me a blue truck to play with because we never had money for toys or gifts and she never bought me any toys, I just played with sticks or stones. That was my favorite gift.

KH: Is there anything you liked when you were a child, for example, a sport, a character or a hobby?

CH: I really liked soccer, I still like it, but now I don’t play as much as before, but I like soccer a lot. Also going hunting with my dad when I was 12 years old and up.

KH: What is the lesson that your parents taught you that had the biggest impact on the way you live your life today?

CH: The lesson that my parents taught me that had the biggest impact on me was not to trust people and friends too much, because in this life everything ends, everything is lost, and you shouldn’t trust people too much. And you should always value yourself as a person and a human being. They also taught me to respect all people.

KH: What are you most proud of in your life?

CH: Despite all the difficulties that life and God have given me, I have always come out ahead, being a Christian and believing in God.

KH: What hobbies or interests do you enjoy today?

CH: Now the hobbies I enjoy today are when I go fishing or camping with my family or going out to eat. I also read the Bible and go to church.

KH: How has being a father changed you?

CH: Being a father was something very beautiful that God has given me. I have a boy and three girls, well, four because my wife and I are expecting a girl in December. Well, I love being a father.

KH: What is your favorite thing about me?

CH: Uh, well I like it when you are happy and when we talk as a family, and you always say positive things. It fills me with pride. I really like your smile and your way of being.

KH: Last question, what is the advice you give me as I navigate my own life?

CH: Uh, well as I told you,focus on your studies, be polite and, most of all, be respectful so that you can live a happy and problem-free life. Never use drugs or alcohol. And just study so you can be a successful person.

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