Have UFOs actually been on our planet earth and been seen or is it just a myth that people kept spreading throughout different media platforms? Think about it: Many people have only ever seen stuff about UFOs in movies or TV shows. Those movies or TV shows usually represent UFOs as hovering flying discs that can come in different shapes like a diamond shape or “V” shaped that hover throughout air that shoot out a green lighting beam and abduct cows from farms. It’s true about them being flying discs in the air, though the “abducting cows from farms” may not be true. But UFOs were not always seen in the same shape as other UFOs, as one image was even taken by two young workers in 1990 where the UFO was shaped like a diamond, mentioned later in this text, about which Nelson Flores (my brother) had said “it’s weird how two workers had took a picture of a UFO they saw was diamond-shaped. I thought UFOs were in a shape like a hat only, I’m confused!”
The first modern UFO sighting
On June 24, 1947, Kenneth Arnold (a civilian pilot) reported that he had seen nine glowing bright objects that were blue and white flying in the sky. It was shaped like a “V” and it was flying over Washington’s Mount Rainier. But Arnold had initially believed that it was just a military test flight but the military had claimed that they were never having a test flight in the first place at the time of the seeing of the flying object. Due to the report of Arnold’s sighting of a UFO, it had become a hit on media and similar reports as his were increasing.
Two young workers’ sighting of a UFO
On August 4, 1990, According to David Clarke, he reported (after his research about this event) that there were two young workers working at a hotel in Pitlochry, Scotland taking a little stroll together. Then, they saw a huge diamond-shaped object in the sky hovering above them quietly. It was about 100 feet above them. So, one of the workers decided to take their camera out and snap a picture of the hovering object before the object disappeared up into the sky. That worker then took the picture to a national newspaper but no story was ever published about it. David Clarke and his team tried to research information and find the people (the two young workers) who snapped the picture, but they weren’t able to trace the workers. They had only had information about them being alive still in their 50s.
Roswell UFO sighting
It was the beginning of summer in 1947 and the Cold War was just beginning. During that time, According to the U.S. Army Air Forces, they had claimed that they had recovered “a flying disc” near a ranch in Roswell. It was a shocking announcement for the people. Due to the occurring announcement, many people were starting to claim that they had also seen a “flying disc” around the area, which caused rumors to spread throughout the area. This had also led a man, W.W. “Mac” Brazel (a man who lived in the Roswell area), to believe the wreckage he had on his property to be a part of the incident. So he brought the wreckage to sheriff George Wilcox of Roswell, who then showed it to Colonel William Blanchard, a commanding officer of Roswell Army Air Field. Later though, the military explained that this discovery was from a “weather balloon.”
Guadalupe • Jan 7, 2025 at 12:42 pm
I was surprised by the fact that someone has taken a photo of a UFO and how some are a different shape from what we imagined them to look like.
David • Jan 7, 2025 at 12:36 pm
something I learned is ufo are not just one shape but many shapes
Gael • Jan 7, 2025 at 12:33 pm
I wonder if any UFO sightings happen really recent.
Franklin Mateo • Jan 6, 2025 at 1:07 pm
At first I thought a UFO crashed, sadly it was a weather balloon.
Jayren suarez • Jan 6, 2025 at 12:57 pm
this is interesting because its cool to think aliens are real.
Felipe Abrajan • Jan 6, 2025 at 12:31 pm
The first UFOs spotted were reported to look like diamonds.
ashley • Jan 6, 2025 at 12:30 pm
This made me think about all those people In brazil who allegedly seen the Ufo’s and a bright light coming from it.
SG • Jan 6, 2025 at 12:23 pm
I learned about the first modern UFO sighting