It was the night of August 31st, 1888. Charle Cross was en route to his workplace when he saw a figure lying on the floor. He assumed it was a tarpaulin (heavy sheets) until his curiosity got the best of him and walked up to the figure. That’s when he saw a lady, her throat cut, her spine cut and a puddle of blood under her. Authorities had no idea this wasn’t the only time they would hear of Jack the Ripper.
Who was Jack the Ripper/ What did he do?
Jack the Ripper was a cruel murderer who murdered up to four (or more) women who were prostitutes. He would wait for his victims to be heavily intoxicated (meaning heavily drunk) until he killed them with a liston knife. A liston knife was used normally in surgery and can cut through layers of muscle in an amputation. All the women he killed (except one) were killed out in the open, yet he was never caught. He would tell his victims he wanted to sleep with them but he lured them into a dark corner and killed them right there when no one was around. (Information from Intelligence and Investigation and Britannica)
Who were his victims?
Jack the Ripper killed four women (that we know of) and those women were Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Catherine Eddowes and Mary Jane Kelly. The most brutal killing was of Mary Jane Kelly. Jack strangled all but one of his victims, cut their throats and mutilated the victim (meaning an act of destroying or damaging a limb or other body parts of a person). A victim who was not mutilated was Elizabeth Stride: she was strangled and was saved from a brutal death when Jack was startled and interrupted.
When police were investigating the identity of one of the victims, they discovered her name: none other than Mary Jane Nichols. According to Jacktherippertour they called Mary Jane’s ex-husband—William Nichols—to confirm her identity.
When he saw her lying on the examination table, he spoke “Seeing you as you are now, I forgive you for what you have done to me.”
Suspects of Jack the Ripper
There are some people the police were suspicious of being Jack the Ripper. Those people’s names were Montage John Druitt, Jacob Isenschmid, Seweryn Kłosowski, Michael Ostrog, John Pizer, James Thomas Sadler, and Francis Tumblety. Some believe Mary Jane Kelly’s husband was behind her murder, but there was one person the police thought was the real Jack. That person was Aaron Kosminski. Aaron was a Polish Jew who worked as a hairdresser. Aaron had threatened his sister with a knife and was held at Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum, then was later transferred to the Leavesden Asylum. Police say from the time of the murders that one suspect was named Kosminski. A century later, he was identified as Aaron Kosminski, yet there was so little evidence to connect him with Jack. Aaron was the same age as another patient at the asylum and was possibly confused with one of his fellow inmates. (Information from Strawberry Tours )