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Emily Tellez

” I want to be a patty flipper, like SpongeBob.”
Emily mewing with a kiss mark.
Emily mewing with a kiss mark.
Ashley Estrada

“My name is Emily Tellez. Uhm I enjoy being with Jasmine and Patrona. I do not go out. I stay indoors with my cat. Oh, he’s kind of dead but it’s okay. My sister just got mad at me because she cheated on her girlfriend and, like, I took her girlfriend’s side and she got mad at me. My brother just hit me with the cord but it’s okay. My cat died, I think that changed my perspective on life. In 10 years I see myself at home, at a McDonald’s maybe. It’s good, I go there everyday almost. I make my mom take me but like she be saying ‘no’ because she hates me. But that’s it- I want to be a patty flipper, like SpongeBob.”

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