College, high school, and career days

This is a seminar at Singapore Management University.
Thursday March 27 will be Career Day, College Day will be April first, and High School Day will be April third at Animo Jefferson Middle School.
In advisory classes at a regular schedule, guests with a variety of careers, college students, and Animo Ralph Bunche High School students will be answering questions and describing what they do.
Gabriela Cervantes, the counselor at AJCMS organized these days along with a committee of teachers like Joshua Stern, Elizabeth Borum, Damaris Pereda, Carly Keese, and Anita Tovmasyan. Cervantes said that these days will be opportunities for students to see what it takes to be in the careers that the guest speakers obtain. Students will be able to ask questions as well.
Cervantes said, “The purpose is to inform students about future options in career and college. It gives them an idea of the process is to get from MS, to HS, to College, and to Career. We want all of our students to be prepared for college, leadership, and life. Therefore, we would like to provide them with opportunities for them to see and talk to people who are at various steps in these processes.”
Cervantes believes that these days will impact the students at AJCMS by influencing the students to start thinking about their future. “It will show them that it is important to plan for their future and the hard work they do now will impact their future options,” said Cervantes.
Eighth grader
Eighth grader