IFunny, a Place for memes

This is the app Ifunny. You can download this app for Android, Windows, and IOS
You might know an app called iFunny. This app is a social media app for memes, artist, and just straight out videos. IFunny is like a mix of YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
Many people enjoy iFunny as a place to go to for a good laugh. This app consist of comics, memes such as the “Ain’t nobody got time for that,” and people doing blogs and Gifs for fun. You are able to join with you’re Facebook account if desired.
User Jake Graff said, “This app took my life away, I would always laugh at the pics in here. The only downside is that I can only get a maximum of 20 photos per hour.”
According to him, this app will have you laughing all the time whenever you are on it.
IFunny was made by Okrujnost, an app creator. This app requires you to sign in or make an account in order to subscribe to people whom you think upload good content and to get subscribers when you upload content. There is also a web version of iFunny and has the same basic functions.
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