SURPRISE! Tap water is way cleaner than bottled water

Tap water.vs.Fiji
Drinking tap water has never been recommended, but scientists say that tap water is way cleaner then the well known water “Fiji.”
Tests show that Fiji water loses its taste and it costs much more than tap water. The making of Fiji’s plastic bottle also negatively effects the environment because its signature bottle is made from Chinese plastic in a diesel-fueled plant and hauled thousands of miles.
People buy so many water bottles a week that the whole world could be covered in them. Water is free and why pay for dirty bottled water when you could get cleaner tap water in your kitchen sink. Bottle water companies scare people saying that tap water is not good and could get you sick, but they say that because they want to make money.
According to author Beth Buczynski, writing for,”One of the biggest reasons people buy and drink bottled water is because they think its cleaner than tap water, but it is purified tap water.”
Read more: Tap Water is Cleaner than Bottled Water (and other Surprising Facts)
A Massachusetts town voted in 2010 to ban the selling of bottled water. According to the Food and Water Watch, ”When all is said and done producing and distributing bottled water uses up to 2,000 times the amount of energy used to produce tap water
Read more: Massachusetts Town Votes to Ban Sales of Bottled Water
Ninth grader, at Santee high school and Daily runner Andrew Montez said, “This news surprises me because as a daily runner, I drink tons of bottled water. It’s so easy to just grab a bottle on the way out, but knowing that drinking tap water is way cleaner than bottled water, my mind really does change and I one hundred percent prefer tap water.”
Many peoples minds have changed about this news that tap water is cleaner than bottled water because for many years people have been drinking bottled water when they could of just drink there sink water. Even some restaurants have changed their water on the menu and they now serve tap water.
Test were run on Fiji and it came out to be that the results were there is 6.31 micrograms of arsenic per liter in the Fiji bottle and tap water had no measurable arsenic.
Has your mind changed on bottled water? Maybe drinking tap water isn’t bad after all.
Eighth grader