Suicidal teens crying for help over the internet

Over social media, there have been many teens talking about being suicidal, and some also homicidal. These suicide teens are very close to students from Animo Jefferson Charter Middle School. They all were normal teens until tragic things happened to them.
Jose Aleman, seventh grader at AJCMS said, “At first, I really was suicidal. I needed help and the only way for me to get help was the social media. There are many teens out there like me, and the only way for us to feel comfortable is crying for help on social media.”
Adrian Aleman, Jose’s older brother, said, “I know my brother is suicidal, so I keep a look out for him. He is also homicidal but I give him attention so he won’t feel lonely.”
Emily Enciso, a seventh grader from William Jefferson Clinton Middle School said, “I think being suicidal isn’t bad, but teens killing themselves for something that’s not worth it, that’s bad.”
Destiny Flores, ninth grader at Santee Education Complex said, “I tried committing suicide once because of depression, my mother wouldn’t pay attention to me. I felt lonely and didn’t know who talk with this about.”
Andrea Garcia, seventh grader form Clinton agreed with Emily. She said, “Teens lately been talking about how they wanna die and not be on this world. The question I wanna know is, ‘Why?'”
Amber Rodriguez, seventh grader at Kinetic Synergy said, “I’m not suicidal, but I have suicidal thoughts. I was bullied in sixth grade and no one would help me because they didn’t have the guts to stand up to these bullies.”
Thousands of teens commit suicide each year in the United States. In fact, suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds.
Suicide does not just happen. Studies show that at least 90% of teens who kill themselves have some type of mental health problem, such as depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol abuse, or a behavior problem. They may also have problems at school or with friends or family, or a combination of all these things. Some teens may have been victims of sexual or physical abuse. Others may be struggling with issues related to sexual identity. Usually they have had problems for some time.
Jose has gone through family problems, but now he is a better person. He is doing good at school and now is trying out different activities and him and his family spend more time together.
Amber is now better and doesn’t have these thoughts anymore. She’s in seventh grade now and has lots of good friends that will support her if she ever faces these type’s of problems again.
Destiny and her mother are now attending a therapy secession to help their relationship come together.
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Eighth grader
Eighth grader