Dash helps students but annoys neighbors

The two new Dash stops on 32nd and Long Beach Blvd. and 32nd and Nevin St. have helped many kids get home safe. They now take the bus rather than walking home.

To make these Dash stops possible AJCMS and ARB’s parents and community members petitioned for them. Parent Coordinator Brenda Serrato said, “The Dash is important to the schools because they provide safety and its easier to get home for the students.” 

According to Kevin Salguero, seventh grader, the Dash helps him avoid walking and lets him get home faster and safer. “I think that the Dash has also helped others because I have seen other students walk all the way to the far Dash stops in order to catch the bus, but now the Dash stops had become closer to our school which is good,” stated Kevin.

Daniel Cortez, seventh grader, also agreed that the Dash stop has helped him. Daniel said, “The Dash stop has made it easier and more cheaper to go home.” He said that it helps others by not wasting more money on the Metro because the dash is way cheaper.

Although the Dash provides safety and transportation for students, other residents in the community are getting annoyed of the Dash stop. Resident Evangelina Rios, who sells chips, soda, and candy from her house, said, ” I get really annoyed of the Dash stop next to my house because there is always a lot of trash that the students leave. I always end up picking it all up because I don’t like my area dirty.” Evangelina states that she has made changes thanks to the Dash stop. She has put a trash can next to the Dash sign to help keep the area clean. She has noticed students consuming drugs near the stops and advises the security to pay more attention to the students. Although the stop has done her harm, it has also helped her because now she sells more snacks thanks to the population of the students. All Evangelina wants is for the students to clean up after themselves.


Students wait for the Dash on the new Dash stop. The Dash stop is located on 32nd and Long Beach.
Students wait for the Dash at the new Dash stop. The Dash stop is located on 32nd and Long Beach.