Their last day, promotion

On June 3, the AJCMS class of 2014 had their promotion.
Eighth grader, Crystal Soto said, “I wish I would have been able to promote along with my classmates.”
Omar Calva, eighth grader said, “I am going to miss everyone, they have become like family to me.”
Ayla Martinez, AJCMS’ former school president, lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Eighth grader, Brianna Ramirez sang the National Anthem. Sue Jean Foulkes, principal, named the founding staff of AJCMS , as well as the Green Dot Administration Chief Officers. It was told to the students, parents, and everyone who attended the promotion ceremony that five teachers were leaving the school. Eighth grade advisors called out the name of the student, along with a speech students wrote. At the end of the promotion ceremony students got to throw their lanyards up in the air, the way high school students throw their caps.
Eighth grader