Students wear ribbons to protect themselves against drugs

Student Council advisor Gabriela 
Dampier is writing her name on the ribbon. She attached the ribbon to the black cloth to pledge to be drug free.

Chelsea Contreras

Student Council advisor Gabriela Dampier is writing her name on the ribbon. She attached the ribbon to the black cloth to pledge to be drug free.


The week of October 14-18, Student Council made ribbons to promote drug awareness at Animo Jefferson Charter Middle School.

“I think it’s important for students to make good choices and I’ve seen drugs ruin lives and I wouldn’t want my students to experience that,”  said advisor Gabriela Dampier.

To help accomplish this, Student Council made over 600 ribbons in two days, and the students and teachers were able to attach their ribbons to a black cloth with a safety pin and receive candy in return.

Student Council President Ayla Martinez is helping out other students prepare their ribbon to
attach it to the black cloth. Ayla also promoted for other students to attach their ribbon to the cloth.