Students take a trip to Idyllwild Mountains
Students learning about Microgravity in the water.
From November 17-19, twenty five students participated in a three day and three night trip to Astrocamp, at San Jacinto Mountains in the town of Idyllwild.
Astrocamp is a hands-on physical science program with an emphasis on astronomy and space exploration.
Their classes and activities are designed to inspire students toward future success in their academic and personal pursuits.
Anita Tovmasyan, chaperon of the girl group, says how throughout the trip it was really fun to see students get into science. “I think the students were able to learn outside of the classroom, and were able to do hands on activities and learn science in a completely new way, ” Tovmasyan said.
She also says that it was a great trip overall to see how students were able to be on their own.”Staying with students for three days was a great opportunity to know the students better,” Tovmasyan said.

Students at Astrocamp are on there first class preparing to do an experiment.
One of the students that participated, 8th grader Emilyn Santana, felt really lonely without being with her parents, but overall she really enjoyed it and that she would be willing to go again.
The thing that she mostly enjoyed was the pool. “I liked how they kept the pool water warm even if it was cold outside,” Emilyn said.
Adam Davis chaperon of the boy groups, said, “I thought that the students improved on seeing the world outside of them.”

Students take a hike up the mountains during their trip.
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