SRLA team! Let’s go ice skating!

This is where the SRLA team arrived at Nokia Plaza.
On Thursday December,18 the Students Run LA (SRLA) team instead of their regular running practice they went ice skating at Nokia Plaza near Staple Center.
Eighth grade runner, Cesar Ruiz said, “The thing that I most enjoyed was seeing everyone helping each other out and actually seeing themselves teach each other. All of us had a lot of perseverance.” Cesar felt weird going ice skating on a practice day because most of the time he’s running with the team, but now it was something different. He would like to do other events with the team in the future because he said that it was a pretty good experience.
Seventh grader, Jocelyn Palacios said, “I would like to attend future events with the SRLA team because the whole team had a blast and I think the future generations for SRLA will like it too.” Jocelyn felt different in a weird way too because she said she was used to running practice and now ice skating was a way different thing she did with the team.
Eighth grade runner, Nathan Juarez said, ” I would like to be with the team, not only running but doing other things together because I had a fun experience with them ice skating.” Nathan had fun even though he fell a couple of times.
The team went on the Metro and arrived at Nokia plaza. A lot of people were barley beginners and fell a couple of times. They eventually got the hang of it. After ice skating some people went to buy food like pizza or Starbucks.
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