School start time, anytime
Are you ever sleepy when you enter school, or maybe even throughout the whole day? There is many ways to prevent you from being sleepy but one that catches peoples attention is changing the starting time that schools enforce.
According to doctors, teens need more than nine hours of sleep at night. That means teens should have more sleep than they receive normally because that is a reason why many teens are sleepy in the morning. There are some symptoms to teens losing sleep. Some are that loss of sleep can age your skin, it can cause obesity, diabetes, heart disease, makes learning harder, etc.
Inadequate [lack of quality] sleep affects the brains ability to gather information about various subjects. Many teens have this effect when they go to school but are drowsy. According the the National Sleep Foundation, an adult should have seven to nine hours of sleep each day.
Teacher, Lorena Iglesias, said that she likes the entering time because she lives far, and she would hit traffic. Ms. Iglesias says that she gets enough sleep, about 7 to 8 hours, because she goes to sleep at a certain time. Ms. Iglesias said, “ No, I would rather change the ending time to 2:30 so I can be able to help students more.”
Thomas Lo, teacher at Animo Jefferson Middle School, said the entering time doesn’t bother him’ “It’s not any different.” Although he doesn’t mind the normal entering time, he would change the starting time “…but the student’s would be walking home in the dark.” Lo doesn’t get enough sleep but he’s not so sure about changing the starting time at school.
7th grader, Jocelyn Palacios said, “I don’t like the school starting time because sometimes the Dash comes late and we get a demerit.” Jocelyn says she only gets eight hours of sleep a day so she would change the school to 8:00 am so she gets enough sleep.
7th grader, Emily Guidos said that she doesn’t like the school’s starting time because sometimes there is traffic. Emily said she does not get enough sleep because she has a complicated schedule after school and gets about 6 hours a day. Emily said, “We should start by 8:00 am because not everyone can make it at 7:40 am.”
7th grader, Gabriela Rodriguez said that the school starting time is too early. Gabriela also said, “I don’t get enough sleep because I have to wake up early, I get about 7 hours of sleep a day.” Gabriela would rather have school start at 8:30 am because there is more time to sleep.
Although, changing the starting time has pros and cons, do you think changing the starting time at school is a good idea?
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