New 6th grade Student Council Members

The three new 6th grade Student Council members!
On January 27, 2014, Student Council held interviews for new upcoming 6th graders looking to join Student Council.
Student Council advisers, Anita Tovmasyan and Nathaniel Broguiere, held the interviews with the help of Student Council President, Stephanie Aquino and Vice President, Anthony Ayala.
With only three spots available both, Tovmasyan and Broguiere agreed how difficult the choice was.
Tovmasyan said, “ I was looking for someone who is excited to be part of Student Council and someone who shows true leadership skills. ”
The students that were accepted in Student Council, were three girls named Jennyfer Cortez, Ashley Torres , and Amy Flores.
Amy, a 6th grade new member, said the way she prepared for the interview questions was by pretending that her mom was a Student Council Advisor and practicing the questions with her.
Jennyfer, one of the new 6th grader Student Council members said, “The reason why I wanted to join Student Council is because I saw all the interesting things they do to have fun with the students.”
Ashley another of the 6th graders who entered said, “ I would want to do improve in Student Council is that I would want to make more events for the students to enjoy.” She also said that having more events will make student to be more excited to come to school.
Broguiere said, “The student that I knew that could help me with announcements, the ones who are comfortable performing and had the right attitude were the ones I chose.”
Tovmasyan also said “There confidence in their speaking and the energy they brought to the room.”
The new 6th grade Student Council members have now been in Student Council for at least two weeks now and two of them in Announcement Committee.
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