Soccer Game: Mexico vs. Ecuador

The soccer game of Mexico vs. Ecuador.
On March 28, the teams Mexico and Ecuador went against each other at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.
The game ended with Mexico taking their victory with the score of 1-0. Javier Hernandez (Chicharito) scored a first-half goal for Mexico.
Christian Carpinteyro, tenth grader at Animo Ralph Bunche High School, enjoyed the game and wouldn’t forget the part when the goal was scored because it’s when all the Mexican fans started celebrating. “I was born in Mexico, and well for me Mexico is the best team and always will be!” said Christian. He went with his family to the game but at the beginning it was crowded with a lot of people which made it a struggle to get in when he arrived. “The only things I needed for the game was my Mexico shirt and a flag to support my team. I think it’s interesting how everybody becomes one large group and together show their support for their team and there aren’t fights or nothing like that,” Christian said.
Parent of student at Animo Jefferson Middle School, Felipe Martinez, is a Mexico fan. “I really enjoyed the part when Mexico scored the goal because I had the chance to see it at close up,” said Martinez. He made sure to take his Mexico shirt on and bring his Mexico gear as well. “I wanted to see this game live and I really had fun, I would like to go to games like this in the future,” Martinez said.

During the game of Mexico vs. Ecuador.

The front view of the game.
Parent of student at Animo Jefferson Middle School, Juan Banda, went to put on his Mexico shirt and left with his two oldest daughters to the game. Banda said he is a Mexico fan because he is Mexican and has always supported the team. He said the game was exciting because the two teams had a really good opportunity to make a goal. Banda said, “I most enjoyed when Chicharito threw the goal because it was a really amazing goal.” When Mexico won, he was really happy because it was a great celebration in the stadium full of smiles and he was happy because he was celebrating with his two oldest daughters.
Eighth grader at Adams Middle School, Vanessa Hernandez, loved going to the game because her team was victorious. “I’m proud of the Mexico team because they put in effort and they ended up scoring,” said Vanessa. She enjoyed when she was out there with her family and seeing other people supporting the same team as her. “I took my Mexico shirt on and a funny part I won’t forget was when a man’s Mexico sombrero flew off and I ended up catching it,” said Vanessa.
Seventh grader at Animo Jefferson Middle School, Ahline Cortez, before the game started she went to put on her Mexico shirt and bandana. She loved going to the game because she thinks that the goalie did a good job blocking the shots. “The game was really fun, exciting, and I was happy that Mexico won, I was so emotional when Mexico scored the goal,” said Ahline.
Eighth grader at Carver Middle School , Carlos Monroy, really enjoyed the game when Chicharito scored the goal for Mexico. Carlos got his Mexico gear ready and headed to the coliseum and waited for the game to start. “I liked the game because Mexico won and my team is Mexico since my family are from that country so I have Mexican blood in me,” Carlos said. So far this game was so memorable for him because he had lots of fun watching his favorite sport and spending time with his family.

Top view of the game.

Team Ecuador (left side) and Mexico (right side).
There were many emotions because of this game. Many people that attended game came back satisfied due to the victory of the Mexico team.
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